Vintage Mid-Century Modern Nightstands
The curated collection of original Mid-Century Modern Nightstands have a timeless blend of retro style and modern functionality. Each a perfect representation of authentic modern design.
WP_Term Object
[term_id] => 1163
[name] => Cabinets & Sideboards
[slug] => cabinets-sideboards
[term_group] => 0
[term_taxonomy_id] => 816
[taxonomy] => product_cat
[description] => The curated collection of original Mid-Century Modern Cabinets and Sideboards have a timeless blend of retro style and modern functionality. Each a perfect representation of authentic modern design. Notable designers in our selection include Paolo Buffa, Vittorio Dassi, and Jindrich Halabala.
[parent] => 424
[count] => 48
[filter] => raw
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